Tips & Tricks #8: Change Shampoos and Conditioners Regularly

Here’s one many of you may not know… but hair adapts to the conditioner and shampoo you use.

As your hair adapts, it will become harder and harder for your hair to get clean and smooth by using these products. Your hair will actually build up a resistance to the products you are using. A good way to prevent this from happening is to change shampoos and conditioners a couple times a year.

Every six months or so (or when an old bottle of product runs out) I just grab another cheap (remember I’m on a budget), but different brand of shampoo/conditioner and rotate that in. Often I find two brands I like and just go back and forth between them. This way your hair will always be its cleanest, shiniest, and healthiest all year round.

Happy Hairdoing!

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* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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  1. Would 2 different types of the same brand be okay? I use Herbal Essences-Amazingly Straight and Drama Clean? Please let me know!! Thanks for the videos. Your daughters are drop-dead-gorgeous!

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