Cute Girls Hairstyles on ABCNews' 20/20

For those of you who missed our ABCNews 20/20 segment on Friday’s YouTube Special, here it is!

ABCNews' 20/20

20/20 Filming of CuteGirlsHairstyles

The segment came early in the show where they profiled three moms who have found success on YouTube. And it has been a wild, yet fun ride since mid-May!

Here we are, a hairstyling mommy {that’s us!}, a cook, and a quilter. I thought it was nicely done for us being a last minute inclusion back in June!

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If you liked the segment and loved our hairstyles, and feel that what we have done has changed your lives, be sure to let 20/20 know!

Happy Hairdoing!

* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!

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  1. wow! Congratulations! you really deserve this cause i know you are a good mom and want their childs always to looks cute… again Congratulations! Im so happy! … ahh… I remember the first time I saw my first cutegirlshairstyle… I remember so well… The first video I saw… I think it was the waterfall braid. I fell in love with the hairstyle. I was like HOLY CRAP! this is awesome! so then everyday i see if you have new videos. And now im addicted to the website and to your youtube videos.

  2. Felicidades, fuiste mi inspiración para intentar nuevos peinados para mi hija e iniciar un lazo mas fuerte con ella. Gracias, a ti y a tu hermosa familia, bendiciones

  3. yes i love the hairstyles on her page i am a subscriber and i get hairtstyle ideas and some of them i do from her page others i do them close enough to them i been doing my 4 year old’s hairstyle everyday since she started school aug. 22nd

  4. I too want to congratulate you on your success. I happened upon your website last month just before school started and I know it might sound silly, but every day I send out my 7 yr old daughter to school, I feel like a good Mommy. Rather than the same old tired ponytail and braids (that came home a mess everyday) she has these beautiful hairdo’s and I feel my heart swell with pride. I only wish I had known you when MY 14 yr old twins were little!!!! Thanks so much Mindy for everything.

  5. I just learned about your site for the first time on ABC 20/20. Awesome! Plus I see that you have adopted- us as well:). This makes me like you even more!

  6. Fantastic! Well done and thank you so much for sharing the clip. You have a beautiful family, I came to your blog purely by chance and I love it! My girls have ‘adopted’ a few of your do’s!!!
    Joanne x

  7. We watched your 20/20 segment. You have transformed our hair dos. My daughter and I take time together each night to look through the blogs and decide on a do for the next day. Then she showers and we practice. It is time that I treasure. Thank you for helping us find the precious few minutes each evening.

  8. Hey WAY TO GO!!! Super cute and super fun. I missed it so I am so happy you were able to link it. Congratulations and keep having success!!!!

  9. OMG love it and your family
    i was just sitting there smiled all the time

    love ya

    greeting Anna from denmark

    can descibe how much i love ya

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