I would like to introduce you some of my FAVORITE hair accessories! They are the hats, flowers, and beanies from my friend Joy over at Chic & Unique Boutique. You can view her blog here. She also has a website where you can order her products at Spend time looking through her site and I as sure you will find something (likely many things) that you will LOVE!
I am also sure some of you will recognize these types of flowers from many of the hairstyles on my girls. I have a couple hundred dollar’s worth of Joy’s stuff and use them a ton! My personal favorites have to be the beanies and newsboy caps for a quick no-need hairstyle in the morning… ya know, every once in awhile it’s just one of those days! Here’s a few quick shots to show you how they would look being worn (for more ideas see Joy’s website or blog) and yes, the flowers are removable so you can use them in many ways….
So here are the directions for entering this great giveaway…
This giveaway will end on Feb. 20th at midnight. To enter the giveaway you must add my button (found on the right side of my blog) to a web page. It can be a blog, forum, website, or other. You must leave me a comment with the link to that page, for verification purposes … or an email will work too.
*To add button, simply copy the code (html)in the white box under my button. Then place it anywhere on your site, in your html layout. A sidebar is the easiest. Once you save your layout, the button will appear.
*If you have a private blog and don’t want to send me an invite, you can scroll down to where my button appears and hold down “Ctrl” and “Print Screen” (the print screen button is at the top right of your keyboard) at the same time. This copies an exact picture of what you see on your screen into your computer’s memory. Then in an email, simply paste the screen print and send it to me for qualification (sounds tricky – but it’s really not).
*If you have already added me as a link, simply change it out for the button and send me a comment!
The idea is to spread the word about my hairblog while giving you a chance to enjoy some AWESOME, beautiful, new hair accessories! There will be more giveaways like this in the future!!!
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!
I am type of disappointed that I only just discovered your web blog a week ago. But, We have added you to my Google Reader, right next to my own feeds, and in between a couple Arbitron feeds. Keep feeding my brain. Thanks