March’s giveaway drawing will include ONE of the following items from Joy over at Chic & Unique Boutique (you can choose which one you want if you win).
Option #1– This cute cream beanie hat and two smaller flower clips along with it. These clips would be great off the hat and placed in two messy buns. These clips would also look great with a lot of Gymboree clothes! Such cute colors! Thanks Joy! Go check out her stuff!
Option #2– This cute chocolate-brown beanie with a red and cream big flower.
Anyone may participate, even my fellow hair bloggers!
OK… here are the rules to this contest:
1) Browse through my hairdo’s and choose the one that you like the most.
2) Post a review of that hairdo on your blog with a link back to the original post using “Cute Girls Hairstyles” or the post title as the linked hypertext. (For example, “… this hairdo at Cute Girls Hairstyles is my personal favorite…”, or “… take a look at this St. Patrick’s Day hairstyle, which is my personal favorite…”)
3) Then return here and leave a comment with your blog address (or a screen shot of the blog if your blog is private). If you have a private blog and don’t want to send me an invite, you can scroll down to where the post appears and hold down “Ctrl” and “Print Screen” (the print screen button is at the top right of your keyboard) at the same time. This copies an exact picture of what you see on your screen into your computer’s memory. Then in an email, simply paste the screen print and send it to me for qualification. Sounds tricky – but it’s really not. (For Mac users, hit Command+Control+Shift+3 to copy the screen to your clipboard then paste it into an email.)
Those three steps entitle you to one entry.
If you recreate the hairdo on your DD and post a photo on your blog along with your review, then leave another comment stating that for one additional entry. It does not stop there… receive additional entries by doing the same on any other website or discussion forum.
**NOTE**Contest will end on March 24th at midnight**
Happy Hairdoing!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!