OK, a few of you have started noticing… so I need to let you know a little something. A few days ago Julia contacted me via email and asked if my twin daughters were in a movie called “The Adventures of Food Boy” with Lucas Grabeel (Ryan from High School Musicals 1, 2, & 3) and Brittany Curran (from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody). The next day Dawn from Virginia contacted me via our Facebook Fanpage and asked if my girls were in a print ad for Turkey Hill’s Dynamic Duo Twin Mint Ice Cream.
Since people are asking I thought I’d fill you in…
My girls, all four of them, have been modeling a little for a few years now. Our little guy isn’t quite old enough yet, but we’ll likely add him when he is older. Now, by no stretch of the imagination are they “Hollywood” kids, and we are very realistic with expectations in that regard. In the beginning we had very serious reservations about listing them with an agency, despite all the encouragement of friends and others. Of course, our concerns were centered around what we see in tabloids about Mary Kate & Ashley, etc, and about the possibility that even a little exposure could send them on a distructive path we never intended.
We began, and still hold to, strict guidelines with our kids that if at any time they wish to not continue modeling, they can quit. They love it, and as long as they like it we will continue. They do at most a couple of local auditions a month, and may get 1 out of 5 jobs booked. All earnings go straight to the college fund!
Yes, our twins were in “The Adventures of Foodboy” with Lucas and Brittany (and, yes, I did their hair!). The role was as Julie, but the writer and director loved the twins so much that they decided to book both girls and write in our second twin as Elle. They were the only minors with speaking roles. The movie was filmed in 2007, and released in theaters and on DVD in 2008.
This was the director and writer’s first full-length film, so it had a very limited budget. Given that fact, it was amazing that they got Lucas for the starring role! Our twins favorite part off set was having Lucas serenade them in their dressing room with a jamming version of a Little Mermaid song (and other hilarious songs). I was told NOT to bring video equipment on set, but could have kicked myself for not being able to film that! I am sure it would have had the best YouTube response! Being on set was so awesome and fun! We were very lucky that one of the stars’ father, Marty Curran, was able to take photos for us…
One part that caught me off guard was when Lucas ran in and stripped right down to his boxers, without warning, right in front of me and my girls (he was changing wardrobe for the next scene). I wasn’t quick enough to cover their eyes! So they had quite the story to tell their friends! LOL!
As for other jobs, the girls have done quite a few short films and print ads … but not one directly for Turkey Hill Ice Cream. That being said, the twins have done three”stock photography” shoots. This means a photographer will book the twins for a job where they take tons of shots to be sold to companies for use on any advertisements. Since I haven’t personally seen the ice cream ad, I don’t know for sure they were on it, but Dawn assures me that it’s them. She even thinks that they were sporting my hairdo’s, too!
So I have a favor to ask. Whenever possible I like to keep copies of their work to place in their portfolios. I have been doing some research online and noticed that Turkey Hill ice cream is mostly sold at stores in the Midwest, South, and Eastern States. If you see this circular ad, featuring twin girls with their arms around each other, for Turkey Hill’s Dynamic Duo Twin Mint Ice Cream, PLEASE pull it for me and mail it to me! I would love to have it!
Also if you happen upon any other ads….let me know. Since they have done quite a bit of stock photography, sometimes we don’t even know where their photos are popping up!
Thanks a million!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!
Mindy I have been trying to get a hold of you and your girls for a while and I have a question for you…
Where can I get the movie?
It believe it is available for free on Netflix “Food Boy”, or you can buy it from Amazon.com. xoxo
a website search
What modeling agency were your girls at?
I am watching The Adventures of Food Boy right now and recognized your daughters! I did a google search just to be sure, and this blog came up….I am so glad you wrote it, otherwise I would still be wondering if it was REALLY them.
Hey Mindy! I’m a big fan of u and :your girls! I have absolutely no idea about modling! Any tips? I watched food boy just for the girls! Thanx love ya!
Hi, when i was little i modeled for target, and everyone says i should start again, but we havent really been looking ….. I am looking for an affordable modeling agency in minneapolis. Any ideas anyone??
your girls are so cute. i am so jealous
they are really pretty but seriously they are gorgeous oh and you do her hair very pretty and its awesome how old were them? so so cute
A W E S O M E !!!!!
I wish I had a mom like not that I love my mom. It would be so cool if I saw one day.Utah looks so much fun, living in GA is so boring cause I’m from the north and here they speak country. LIFE!!!LIFE!!!
Wow that is cool! I had my daughter listed with an agency for a little while when she was small. She went on a go-see, but we didn’t do nearly as many auditions, etc as it sounds like you’ve done with your daughters. For any other moms, it shouldn’t cost much of anything for the 5 and under set. I do wonder if it differs depending on where you live.
I love your website. I’m 14 and a Tomboy so doing my hair is just a braid or ponytail but your hairstyles are awesome. I’d love your girls hair, so pretty. I tried Modelling when I was younger after some people recommended it but didn’t get anywhere, that’s fine as not I want to be a dancer LOL. Your girls (and little boy) are adorable. I’v watched the movie and your girls are so cool in it 😀
I saw this movie last month after reading your post and was just waiting to see your little girls.(btw i’m 10)
Hi, I live in Ireland and love your websie. I saw this post only a few months ago and decided to buy Food Boy on DVD just to see your daughters in it. It is a brilliant film. Thanks for all your hair do’s love them and are even doing my friends hair at break time in school, they’re definatly not as good as yours but…Love your tween hairstyles since I’m only 12! Thanks for Hair do’s, Lucy
How did you do the poof thing whenyou did the little multi rubberbanded poof pony
Hey I am watching adventures of food boy right now! I already saw there first seen when they say that he is a bad reader and i loved the front french braid! I can french braid but I cant start on one side and keep going just from part on. Now I am on there 2nd scene when the have the little poof ponytails it is super cute on their super long, beautiful, thick hair!
I want to comment on ur vídeos in Youtube but i cant i dont understand how can u show me how?
Hi Nancy. Visit my channel at http://www.youtube.com/CuteGirlsHairstyles. You can comment on the videos there…
So ur daughters were in a movie…thats cool. But i want to be in a movie:( i still dont get how..how??
I am not surprised your girls are modeling! They are so beautiful beyond anyone I have ever seen! I envy your daughters looks every day, and especially they’re gorgeous eyes. You do a magnificent job with them and their hair. Congrats!
Carolyn, age 12
Quick google search brought this up and I presume this is the add that was referenced.
Hi Stephanie! That is it… and yes, IT IS OUR GIRLS! Crazy! Thanks so much for posting this!
i been trying to find agency but i dont know where to start can you please help me
We watched Food Boy with the kiddos last night. Your girls are so absolutely adorable in it!
Hi Girls… since we are getting so many questions about modeling, I will see if we can put up a post about how we started sometime in the coming weeks. Thanks!
Have you posted anything yet?
wow! what talented adorable girls you have! Good luck with all of that!
That is beyond cool!!!! What cute kids. I saw that movie and thought that the girls looked like your girls, but I thought Nah— I am sure I am wrong! Very cool.
This is so cool!! How exciting for your family!
I shouldn't butt in – but I'm an actor, so know a little about modeling, too – so I have to say to the previous questions, you should NOT have to pay an agency upfront to have them represent you. They get paid when they find you work – they get a cut of your earnings.
I could be wrong 🙂 but from everything I know, the companies you want to work for are not going to charge you money first.
I'm with Leora and Kristin — how do you get started, keep it sane, how much does it cost, etc? I live in SC so I don't know if there are national agencies that are in every city or if you just have to find a local agency… please share.
oh wow your girls are gorgeous! And of course their hair is done so well 🙂
I'm with Leora. What agency are your girls with? I've met with Tru Talent Management and they are interested in signing my daughter but I didn't initially because of financial reasons. Now that I can afford it I still have some reservations. How much of your time does it take?
That's awesome! Now you are going to have another slew of questions to answer for your readers. How do you get them listed (?) at an agency? I have always been told to take my daughter in, but have the same reservation as you…don't know if I want to take her down that road. But you make it sound not so all–consuming and possible to do reasonably. Any advice? How do you find a good agency?
This is really cool thanks for sharing will have to keep my eyes peeled for your girls (:
ahhhh HA! So cute and fun! Lyn
That's so cool! Your girls (and little man) are easily cute enough to be models…and not just hair models 🙂 Thanks for sharing part of your real life with us. It's nice to feel like we kinda know you.