I for one, think that this makes a perfect Picture Day hairstyle! This fun braid uses much of the technique used in the Waterfall Braid, only instead of letting the hair strand drop through, you add it into the braid only from the top.
It essentially causes the braid ‘hang’ from the strands like it is suspended, giving it a lace-like look.
Lace braids are becoming a very fashionable look in 2011, made more mainstream by Michelle Money from (The Bachelor and Bachelor Pad). In fact, I noticed that she was wearing a variation of this lace braid once again during the filmed segment of last night’s Bachelor Pad finale.
This braid is cute on girls of all ages, and I have even done these on myself and they look gorgeous! Furthermore, they can be used in various unique hairstyle combinations {updo’s, messy buns, twists, ponytails, etc.} giving you so many different looks. I also find that this is another great style that helps keep your long bangs out of your face, without always using the French Front style you see everywhere today.
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 1 clear elastic band, hairspray or accessory if desired. {For some, you may need to straighten your daughter’s hair beforehand to get the look you want. If you do so, please do use a good heat protectant first!}
Time Requirement: 2-3 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!
Note~ The inspiration for this style of Lace Braid came from the girls at http://thebeautydepartment.com.
I love this hair style so much I think it is so cute I wear it to school sometimes and everyone comments and asks me where I learned it and I am proud to tell them that I found it on this website
Lots of new tips are available here. I bookmarked it for reference.
Hi mam. 🙂 This tutorial is really great but do you have any tips on how to do this to yourself? You see, I was able to do this to friends but whenever I try to do it on my own, it just doesn’t turn out the way it’s supposed to do. I hope you notice this, thanks 🙂
Hi Mindy,
I love this hairstyle! It is so pretty and works really well in my hair. I have thick brown curly hair, so when I do this style, the braid is slightly thicker and messier, but it looks great and I always get heaps of compliments and people ask how I did it! I just tell them about this site!! This morning I figured out how to do it using a fishtail braid. It was simple and looked great!
Thank you for saving my life with your hairstyles!! You are amazing!!
I am always looking for hairstyles that are quick and easy to do on my sister. The twisted waterfall is both quick, easy, and seems to require less pulling on the hair then a normal waterfall braid. I have also found that if you use the same twisting technique but add a new strand into the bottom original strand, it looks cute in a ponytail.
I came across your site also from pinterest,This has got to be my most favorite site,Thank you so much for sharing this with us all.
awesome hair style ……i had nt sen dis anywhere:)
I discovered your website via pinterest (which I’m also ridiculously addicted to!)and have already pinned 10 of your hair tutorials in the last 15 minutes! I’ve never found a website with such a vast variety of hairstyles and I love that your videos are detailed and are easy to understand. Thanks and I look forward to viewing more of your adorable hairstyles!
Ur daughter is soo damn pretty and also her eyes!
So cute <3 it
So is this basically just a french braid where you only take hair from one side of the braid? It’s so pretty!
I love all your hairstyles
I love it
my friends and I are so different. My 2 best friends dosnt really like hairstyles. 1st is like she dosnt wear really girly clothers or hairstyles… she really like motorcycles and bikes… and the 2nd like she is feminine, but she dont do her hair… she always have her hair down and its not so feminine… Imean she is but… not so. Im very very different from my friends
But we spend time together and its fun!
I love your website! I’ve learned alot from it too. Everytime I go over to any of my friends houses I always do their hair. =) Thanks for all that you’ve taught me!
I love all of the cute hairstyles and my mom likes to try them ALL. I recommend a lot of my cheer friends to this site and they love the braids and things as well 🙂
i tried 2 luv dis video, buh i dont no whether its me, or iz it da laptop datz blury??
How do you think of all these hairstyles because they are a genious!!!!! I am going to be a hairstylest when i’m older!!
Thank you so much for all the beautiful hairstyles I had my mom do this hairstyle on me this morning it really looks good. Btw I’m 11 and me and my sister use this site every day please keep the hair styles coming!!!
It’s so beautiful! I haven’t tried it on myself yet but I totally want to! And according to the comments, it lasts longer than the waterfall. I personally think this one is prettier, so now I have another reason to do it! Only problem is I have homework to do before I get to this. At least I have motivation now…
i like this 1 to but it won’t hang down on myself btw i’m 12 🙂
This hairstyle is so cute! I have been trying to figure out how to do Quinn Fabray’s hair from glee. I want to learn how to do Quinn’s braid in the choir room scene from the “Theatricality” episode. Of any possible hairstyles would this be the most like that? Thanks for any possible halp with this.
How do u get ur daughters hair to be dat straight and shiny?
Oh and dat hairstyle is soooooo pretty
I love this web site. I definitely I’ll try this one for my daughter.
mindy, could you do a lace braid in the front like Joanne Frogatt in the tv series Robin Hood?
love it <3
your website is awesome and I love all the hairstyles on your daughters and the bangs I am only 11 but I love everything you do!
First of all I love how you update so frequently. It makes me know how much you love hair. You did an amazing job with your bangs. It looks amazing. I’m a lover of cute hairstyles. How did you become so good at hair doing:-) You are amazing. We are one of your biggest fans. We have a mac book pro and you are right on your tool bar so whenever we need a cute hair style I can just do one simple click:-)
U rock!
I posted on this last week, and it has been quite popular. It does last all day, unlike the waterfall, but is still pretty. I think it will be our picture day style, unless Mindy creates more magic before then!
I love this. Want to wear it myself once my health is up to par again. It’s so simple, yet elegant. Really timeless style here.
We are LOVING this braid at our house! I’ve done it on my girlie and even on myself, super easy!
hi can u do more gymnastics hairstyles
I love all of your hairstyles!! Could you please put some more up that can be done on yourself! Thanks<3333
This is an amazing style as always! Please check out my blog at http://www.crazyhairmania.blogspot.com
I am a 14 year old girl who loves hair and I use my 10 year old sister as “my doll” to show them off.
love it
i love this hairstyle! i tried it on myself and it looked so cute! and can u add another video soon, I’m looking for something really cute and cool. thanks
This site is amazing! I am a nanny for a 6 year old and we are going to start making our way down the list of all these hairstyles, we are starting with this one tomorrow!
i am going to try this hair style for me.
23rd i am having one function. i want a hair style for that………
hai. this hair style is really beautiful
I love this hairstyle! I tried it on my daughter, but noticed as I did that she has A LOT of fly-aways from her fine hair breaking off. What do you do to avoid this on your girls? We’ve already tried detangling spray but it doesn’t work super well.
I like this hairstyle. I did it on me today, but I did it on both sides and brought it together in the back. By the way I love you and your daughter’s bangs. I also wanted to ask if you could make a new hairstyle on braiding three sections and then braiding them together.
My daughter’s hair just doesn’t like to part anywhere but the middle, so I did this on both sides. She also has bangs. It is really cute. I’m curious to see if it lasts all day, because I know the waterfall braid doesn’t. I also think if you pulled both braids back together, and maybe put a ribbon or bow that would be cute. We have a lot of bow barrettes left from our PM days. PM stands for Pre-Mindy!
Thank you so much for making these videos~ they have really helped me do more with my daughter’s hair! I did this style today for her. 🙂
kristen : she use got2b guardian angel
Sooo cute!!! I miss u guys soooooo much:)
So cute!! Thanks I think I will use this on my daughters hair tomorrow.
How did you curl your hair? it looks soooooooo pretty!
Love this one! Our picture day is on Friday, and I think this will be perfect.
What heat protectants do you use on your daughters’ hair?