After filming our segment on the Anderson Cooper show, Anderson stopped by the Green Room to visit with our little girls. He did not have to do that, as he had another show to film and CNN lineup later that evening!
Anderson was so nice to them, and really made my girls feel like a million dollars! Not that I wasn’t a huge fan of his shows before {going back to Channel One with Lisa Ling}… but I am extremely loyal now for that reason alone! If you have not seen the Anderson talk show, I recommend that you do so!
My six-year old was in a particularly “goofy” mood, having an hilarious time teasing Anderson!
I quickly grabbed my iPhone and caught the tail end of their conversation as she told Anderson that he should get a mohawk! He laughed and said, “Sure!” We included the clip in the tutorial below…
Luckily for us, we had just filmed this Bun Hawk hairstyle a week ago!
Many of our fans have been requesting this hairstyle, since so many schools are having Crazy Hair Day at school! We had a very old tutorial in photos on the site, but a video certainly makes the hairstyle easier to follow!
You may also remember that this was my hubby’s first contribution to our hairstyle repertoire, as this was his idea!
This hairstyle uses the bantu knot technique to form the hawk part of the hairdo. This is so easy to do and will guarantee comments all day long!
We use this style a lot when our girls are playing sports, because not only does it garner lots of attention… but it intimidates a little as well! The girls also wear this to 80’s parties, along with Crazy Hair Day. It could be a fun gymnastics style, too!
Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 10 hair bands, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5-10 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
- Start with wet, brushed hair…
- Section the hair and make five ponytails down the center of the head… starting with a section in front and work your way back, secure them with bands. {Make sure that the hair in the ponytails are as equal as possible, so that the buns are relatively the same size.}
- Take the first ponytail and being twisting the hair strand until it wants to twist around itself, gently allowing it to twist around the ponytail holder into a bun, and secure with another hairband.
- Repeat Step 3 for the other four ponytails.
- Lightly spritz hairspray to help secure any flyways.
{If you have problems with thin hair or baby flyways, you may want to try a little pomade or hair fiber gum to help hold in the twisty buns, but this is completely optional.}
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!
Can u use a regular brush instead of a rat tail brush
I like it
Not my style but cool
Sooooo cute!!
I wish I Had a sister Brooklyn and Bailey are so lucky!!
How do we send pictures of our copy work to you?
I love it
I love it but I can’t do it on myself cause I’m only 9
cute Mindy! I think I need to try this on my sister as a second day do.
Do you ever use this for no heat curls?? It seems like it would work really well
this did not work at all for me. help!
Hey mindy! I love your hairstyles and this one is perfect for bizarre/crazy day at my school! Keep up the good work!
my mom is realy good she tried the bow a couple weeks ago then i wore it to school i got so many complamentes
i love having my hair done . i am in gymnastics and my best friend is could you do a hair style for gymnastics?
i am 10.for crazy hair day my mom did the
bun hawk but put fake flowers in it to make it a garden. i had soooooo many compliments. thanks for the awesome idea.
Love this! Can’t wait to try it for soccer games!
I loved the bunhawk so I tried it on my four-year-old and added ribbons. She loved it too.
See pic here:
🙂 Its SOOOO vute!!!<3
Hey!That so cute! but anyways in your video you said its easy to do on yourself…can you show us that? Cuz I never let people do my hair and I wannna know how to do it on myself cuz i suck at parting my hair like that and I wanna know how better. 🙂 thx Mindy! 🙂
If you already made a video showing how to braid can you do it in slow motion
So Mindy, can you make a video teaching how to braid cause believe it or not I do not know how to braid and I am 10
I don’t know why but most of the time when I type a comment it always disapears the next time I go on this website , it also says Your comment is awaiting moderation! oh also How do you spell disapears
Hey Mindy! First of all your family is the most beautiful family I have ever seen.And I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the way you do hair I wish you were my mom! Especially because you do crazy hairstyles like a work of art, and I love art so that is good.
Hi I love your daughters rings 🙂 where did you get them from?
I am 12 years old and have found so many GREAT ideas on your blog (although I am not NEARLY good enough to do most of them)! can’t wait to see more of your adorable girls and their adorable hair
Amzly smith
Just came across your site-awesome! This hair do also looks Dr. Seuss-ish to me as well. Maybe even futuristic.
Thank you for posting this! Crazy Hair Day is next Wednesday.I’m doing this hairstyle, it’s so cute!
will you show what it looks like the next day it she wears it to bed, you mentioned that it was a great 2nd day hairstyle 🙂
hi Mindy!! congrats on being on TV again. please post a video because we dont have that show on our local channels here in the philippines. I loved this hairstyle. i posted a pic on your FB page. this is best to wear now here beacuse it’s summer already. 🙂
Extremely clever and well executed! And by the looks of the cutie-pain free!
Ha ha, love it! I haven’t worn it yet, but will probably save it for a crazy day! BTW, how do you get the curls on your #2 daughter that were in the clip? I’ve tried several things but can’t get it to look right.
Thats so awesome I <3 It !!!
P.P.S i m 14 and my sister is 10
hi mindy!
me and my sis are in in luv with u !:p
we luv ur site and ur daughters and u <3 <3
keep up the good work..
P.S i really like ur twin daughters…how old are they?