Interestingly enough, I found the idea for this hairstyle from an article on 2011 Hair Trends which highlights the new trends in high fashion being various forms of twists! They found that Prada, YSL, and Blanc de Chine are all using twist hairstyles in their Spring 2011 fashion shows. Even neater, the author features one of our oldest twist styles from YouTube.
I have always loved using twists in my hairstyles and have many of them listed on this website. What I love about this particular style is that it has a very modern look to it, and it can be used for pretty much any occasion (Prom, Homecoming, ballet, weddings, formal events, etc).
You can actually twist the front section any direction you want, as each provides a little bit of a different look.
Items Needed: Rat-tail comb, brush, water bottle, two hairbands, hairspray.
Time Requirement: 5 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
If you like this hairstyle… be sure to let us know!
* Note from Mindy: Don’t forget to follow us on BlogLovin, a new easy-to-use blog reader!
I did it as a DIY and its so simple and pretty! Baily/Brooklyn looks so young! She 11 years old there?
I love it.❤❤❤ i shold try this on my self today. I can’t want.
i think miss joanna can do that
i have to do this myself…
You should do 2 twists one on one side of the head and one on the other side the pull it into a pony or a bun and cross the twist over! Really cool eh?
i love all your hairstyles!!!!!! they are adorable!! what shampoo and conditioner do you use? and i love you and your kids!!!! you guys are so beautiful!!!! ever since i saw one of your videos i keep watching a lot of them over and over again!!! all i have been into at my house is hair!!! and i have a really big family and so i want to do everybody’s hair but they don’t want me to! so i just asked my mom if i can get a hair manikin and i think i am going to get one!!!!!!! thank you sooooooooo much!!!!! keep up the good work!!!
Love it! I always seem to be able to make the simplest hairstyles look not great on myself, so hopefully this will be one that is not confusing hard or too simple for me to mess it up.
Thanks so much! I’m gonna try this before school tomorrow. I’ll let you know if it worked!
Thank you so much! I am awful at fixing hair! This year my daughter made the competition dance team and I have to learn how to fix it! Thank you for such a wonderful site.
My daughter is 2 we are in the process of growing her bangs out. I love this hairstyle since I can twist her bangs our of her face. I use a little mouse or spray gel to help set it. Thanks!
I really like my hair up so I was super excited to find this fast and easy hair do!!!!!:)
i love this i am wearing this on the first day of school!
Hi! I just wanna say how much i like all of your videos, they are great! I don’t have much time to do my hair early in the morning before i go to school (i’m 17) and i really appreciate your ideas.
By the way, i love your family, you look so close and happy 🙂 Wish you all the best!
I did this one on Kaecee today. I’ve been going for fancier hairstyles all week and wanted something simple but cute. We added a pink headband under the twist for a bit different look (because we got a new headband at Walgreen’s that I LOVE) so I will post on Facebook after I dump my card! 🙂 Thanks for all your ideas!
OMG!!!!! tHaNk U sO sO sO sO sO much for posting this i have tried every hairdo for skool! I’m 13 so i try to find new stuff to do and this one is simple easy and super cute to do thank you so much keep up the good work<3!<3!<3!<3!
PS- i look at all you videos and to them maybe the day after for school and ppl luv the way i do my hair
Thanks to you!
I just did this on my 3 year old. She is into updos right now, and this one hit the spot. Looks really cute! Thanks!
PS My girls find your hair videos to be a wonderful form of entertainment. I am amazed at your creativity and the fact that you find the time to do this!
My 8 yo is wild, and this style actually stayed up from morning til bedtime. Anything that survives a full day of school is amazing.
I really like this hairdo I’m 11 and I’m looking for some easy step by step hairdos so thanks! 🙂
Thank you! I needed a nice new one for my daughter. I am recently divorced and was struggling to find a hairstyle that I liked and could do on my days. Thanks again, and God bless.
Sorry about the divorce. Hope you’re ok.
I love doing this hairstyle on my daughter. Thank-you for doing this blog and posting such cute, fun hairstyles!! I love your blog.
Just a quick note to say thank YOU for your ideas and video tutorials. I love popping over to get an idea before getting my girl ready for preschool. We’ll be trying this hairstyle now. Thank YOU!!
I like this one and can’t wait to try it on my oldest daughter – her hair is super thick and with two rubber bands it just might make it through dance!!
PS – what type of elastics do you use?
i did this style on myself and all of my friends at theater practice loved it! Even some boys complemented me(im a teen)However when i did it it took several bobby pins to keep my bangs from popping out. Do you have a fix for this?
Really like it. I will throw a flower at the side of the bun to dress it up. I might try more then one twist. Thanks for the idea!
I do this all the time, only I use braids and twists, anyways I tried this on myself and it was super easy.
P.S. I also got tons and tons of comments.
um… i dont know if this is just on my computer, but it appears that you didnt upload the video on this blog post, just on youtube. did you purposly not put the video on this post? or is it just not showing on my computer?
It’s just on your computer. Maybe she hadn’t completely loaded it up yet when you checked or maybe she had posted the pictures and then posted the video or maybe its just your computer. Hope you can watch it soon.
Supercute hairstyle!! Looks like your daughter was about to burst out laughing this whole video 😉
I can’t wait to try this easy one on my daughter. Her hair is down to her lower back so I’m always looking for dos that will help contain all of her hair. I love your blog and even though I rarely comment, I follow your feed and we copy your dos all the time! Thank you for blogging!