Hi everyone, this is Aylin from Posh Nail Art. I cannot believe a year has passed and I’m preparing a…
Hi there! This is Aylin from Posh Nail Art and this month we are talking about Animal Print! Honestly, while preparing…
Hi everyone!!! With July upon us, ’tis the season for all things wedding! And with weddings comes….nail art! Whether you…
Hi everyone, this is Aylin from Posh Nail Art! A lot of new movies are coming to cinemas lately, and…
Hi all! This is Aylin from Posh Nail Art and this month I’ll be showing you my Disney Side! Ok,…
Hi there! I’m back with more nail art ideas. It is prom season, so this month, we will be covering…
Finally spring is here… The time of warmer sunny days, Mother Nature waking up from a long sleep, birds, flowers… and…
Shockingly Simple Tools for Amazing Nail Art
Hi everyone! It’s Jenny from thedotcouture! Today I thought I would talk about the everyday tools nail artists (and you too!)…
Hello everybody! This is Aylin from Posh Nail Art. Easter is only two weeks ahead, so we’d better start planning.…
DIY No Tools Nail Art: Dry-Brush Manicure
Happy February everyone! This is my second post as a CGH Lifestyle Contributor and I just have to say what…
Valentine’s Day Manicure Ideas
Hello everybody. This is Aylin from Posh Nail Art. Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I thought I might…
Hi everybody! This is Aylin from Posh Nail Art. I’m super excited to be on the Cute Girls Hairstyle Lifestyle…