My Haircare Routine | Wash and Style
What’s My Secret? I’m constantly asked, “what’s your hair care routine?” or ” what’s your secret?” Ask and you shall…
My Haircare Routine | Wash and Style
What’s My Secret? I’m constantly asked, “what’s your hair care routine?” or ” what’s your secret?” Ask and you shall…
Top-10 Tips for Toddlers Sitting Still During Hairstyles
Many of you often ask how it is that my girls seem be so good when we do their hair.…
Our Hair Care Routine | Cute Girls Hairstyles
I have been blogging here since 2008, and the single-most request I receive from fans {after hairstyles} is regarding what…
Tips & Tricks: How to Make a Topsy Tail Tool
Since quite a few of my hairstyles use flips, many followers have been asking where they can purchase a Topsy…
Mailbag Q & A: Rubber Band Tips
Often I get asked about the types of rubber bands I use. I have three types I use regularly. The…
Mailbag Q & A: Sit Still for Hairdo's?
Q: How do you get your girls to sit so still while you are pulling and tugging, on their hair?…
A few days ago I had an interesting question come into my comments. Here it is… Q: “OK, I just…
This hairstyle is fun and really EASY! My husband can even do this, so I will put it in as…
Hairstyles for Girls: Mailbag Q & A
Here are some recent questions and the answers from your emails and comments: Q: What kind of shampoo and conditioner…
Hairstyles for Girls Q & A #2: My Kids
I have received several questions about the kiddies. Here are some answers… Q: Do you have twins or do they…
Q & A #1: Thick Hair and Rubber Bands
Question: My daughter has SUPER thick hair and I have a hard time finding a rubber band that will hold…
Tips & Tricks #8: Change Shampoos and Conditioners Regularly
Here’s one many of you may not know… but hair adapts to the conditioner and shampoo you use. As your…